по второй ссылке, Martin_Bonfiore пишет: I was informed on this forum (thanks to the developers!) that the new beta firmware 3.5.4 rc 2 has the added feature of supporting the LIS3MDL as an external compass at 01E address on the I2C.
I bought a breakout board from Pololu (about $5) and it works on the I2C bus with the beta firmware (yes!). A few warnings if you try to go this route. The Pololu board defaults via internal pullup to 01D address. All that is needed is to add a jumper to ground and it sets up for 01E.
только с адресами, он что то напутал, по даташиту там 1С/1Е. В общем, отследить куда идет этот пин и попробовать по переключать его или к земле или к питанию самой микросхемы (3.3в!).
с сайта POLOLU:
The carrier board pulls SA1 to VDD through a 10 kΩ resistor, making the second-least significant bit 1 and setting the slave address to 0011110b by default. If the selected slave address happens to conflict with some other device on your I²C bus, or if you want to use two LIS3MDL sensors on the same bus, you can drive SA1 low to set the second-least significant bit to 0 (which sets the slave address to 0011100b).